Wednesday 9 February 2011

A fun day at home

We were supposed to be going to the dockyard today but Oscar was a little under the weather and he has his Birthday party on Saturday and we all want him to be fit and well to enjoy it we decided a relaxed day at  home would be good today.

Oscar started the day by playing with his marble run that he received for his Birthday.

Then we played a fractions board game that I found in a charity shop for £1.99. Oscar and I were both rather impressed with it and he definitely has a better grasp of fractions now.

After lunch Oscar got out his much longed for hot wires set that we bought him for his Birthday.
He absolutely loved it and using the instruction book made ten different circuits.

This one was his favourite as he was able to make the yellow disc spin then fly off high enough to hit the ceiling.

This evening at St. John's Oscar made peppermint creams, so having made them two days in a row he has declared himself an expert. He was also very excited because his St. Johns Badgers tee shirt had arrived.

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